Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New format.

No big yugioh news now except for the new ban list which everyone knows now. To start it off, 3 JD and 1 BLS is not really a problem. I'm really happy with the list. The only thing that I dont want about the list is the 3rd mst. It sucks really to see you starlight road go to the grave. The meta became even more faster than ever and anti meta decks just went down the drain in instant. I've heard some people say that BLS will probably only last for just 1 format. But I definitely think that it wouldn't. There are a lot of traps and monsters that can kill it. Leave BLS alone, in the field, and 70% of the time, it dies naturally by only using Catastor (goodbye to a $50 card). LOL

Being an anti meta player (not using skill drain. just a bunch of traps w/out DCK and TKRO), it I am forced to either remake my deck or just ride the bandwagon and play a twilight deck too. But I would rather remake my deck than jump to LS and other Twilight variants. So far, I only have 2 decks which is TG Rabbit Ragia and Worms. I have been testing my Rabbit deck and it has been testing well against other decks. Only problem is that it's not really as fast as DHero variants and LS decks. I need to get it faster lol. With worms, I am forced to add in more cards to control the field. I still dont have any idea what to do with worms, aside from maining 1 SLR.

This is my take for the next format for worms.