Just got off from a recent small tournament got 2nd place with DW (post structure deck release)
Round 1: Antimeta Beat 2-0
Game 1 : First turn Card Destruction with Grapha, Broww, Beige, and Scarr (yes. Scarr). Drew 2 pcs of DW Lightning and he was not able to take Grapha away from me. Won due to overwhelming advantage.
Game 2: Drew horribly. 3 Fields, 2 DW lightning and for the last one, PoD. Used PoD hoping to get advantage ahead of him. Fortunately, I got Morphing Jar out of it, and I was able to outplay his backrow and Banisher of Radiance on the field for the next rounds. Loving DW lightning.
Round 2: Bye. Meh.
Round 3: Antimeta Beat (Same Guy) 2-1
Game 1: He went first and set a lot of backrow and summoned Breaker. I summoned Breaker and he goes bth, 2 sets and I ended. Breaker broke my f/d allure. He summoned Kycoo, proceeded to Torrential. Drew DW Lightining and I had Grapha in hand. Proceeded to destroy his set f/d cards. Turns out they were smashing ground, divine warning. Won due to Grapha and Snnow.
Game 2: Sided out 2 Breakers, 2 Scarr, and DaD for 3 DW Dealings and 2 Cyber Dragon. Did not drew any monster. I only had spells. for almost 4 turns. Proceeded to scoop phase.
Game 3: Went ahead with summoning snnow while field is activated and set bth, torrential, solemn. I had outs for each of his monster. Good thing the field wasn't destroyed.
Round 4: Six Samurai (Mizunai) 1-2
Game 1: He goes first turn Shien with kizan in the field. Set's 4 and ends. I drew, torrential, bth, solemn judgment, scarr, 2 solemn warning. I set all and ended. He summons mizuho, i go torrential, he goes magatama. Proceeds to scoop phase.
Game 2: No first turn shien (thank god!) Was able to take the advantage using DW lightning and of course, I got to go first. Grapha and Scarr for the win.
Game 3: He opens Shien + Kizan + Mizuho and sets 1 card. I drew DaD, 2 Field, 1 DW Dealings, Grapha, Morphing Jar. Used field, he lets it go. Used dealings, and negate. I go set jar and all other cards, Mizuho destroys jar, summons 1 monster, and got 1800 left for my turn. Drew DW Lightning. Scoop. LOL.
Currently using a version of DW without dealings due to a lot of number of players using the same deck in our locals. Good thing I had PoD to at least make the deck run (if not as fast) at the same speed without dealings. Currently trying Breaker the Magical Warrior in the deck, and it proves to be good bait against bth and warnings. Been wanting to try dark flash especially now that it has already been released. Im still using the standard build of DW without the occasional tech choice of Dragged Down to the Grave. Let's see if everything goes well.
Next post: My worm deck. lol.